Depuis toujours,
mon médium de prédilection est
le sonle sonDepuis toujours,
mon médium de prédilection est

I like the immersion that audio allows.

Among my various productions, I have produced or contributed to podcasts for various French media, notably the public radio France Inter (where I worked for three years), Radio Nova, Usbek&Rica or Arte Radio.

In image, I also made some mini-docs videos, notably on digital cultures in the world or on ordinary heroes.

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In 2022, I launched the Inspire podcast, where I interview celebrities about the ways meditation has helped them tap into their talent.

With the gradual democratization of meditation, I realized that everyone meditates… politicians, teachers, athletes, artists. 

Everyone finds a way to exploit their talent and practice their art with a deeper joy.

I created lnspire with the goal of giving voice to guests to show how their meditation practice has transformed their art to excel in their field of specialty.


Loopings is my new podcast collection scheduled for release in September 2023. They are stories of meditation told in the first person where practitioners who have touched me tell how meditation has transformed their lives.

The intention is to show how meditation, when sincerely practiced, can be a powerful source of evolution and an unparalleled tool for overcoming the trials and tribulations of life.

Life has its share of difficulties and unexpected events. In these stories, the guests tell their experiences of life’s twists and turns, accompanied by this valuable meditation technique. We can hear in their voices the resources they were able to mobilize to overcome these difficult moments, and how meditation has continued to accompany them in living a more conscious life.